Dyson has a view on the world Dyson products all have a view on the world that’s very consistent there’s probably something about product chasing - of course there’s so many companies that product chase and that’s fine but once they get the story down I think the products will come pretty naturally. If you look at Dyson, Dyson tells a story about engineering and if you don’t know this about Dyson every single product that they sell is powered by the digital motor which is a breakthrough in technology. So rather than product chasing they innovation chased and they did some great breakthroughs in vacuums they had some breakthrough ideas with cyclones that didn’t need a filter and they had some breakthrough ideas with the digital motor and then they go plug that into every other product that they have and they just sit around and figure out what big market products can we make that make use of our motor and can be designed ten times better than the competitor in the same way you could do that with a fashion brand and say okay

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